Butterfly Sofa - Silverline (UV Grade AA+) | Ambient Lounge® - Europe

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Silverline (UV Grade AA+)

384,00 €

A beautiful designer bean bag chair with structure, quilting and style. The NEW Silverline Butterfly sofa is an uber-comfy chair for all seasons and all environments  ... made with Ambient Lounge's own stunning Silverline UV Grade AA+ fabric. Can it be left outside in the sunshine, the hail, the storms, the high winds?  - you bet it can! This Ambient Lounge Gold Class bean bag can take serious punishment - beer, food, mud - no problems ... just scrub it off like you would wash your car. It's so aesthetically pleasing, soft and tactile why would you just use it for your outdoors though? Bring it inside - this designer chair is just as home in any interior contemporary landscape as it is on your balcony or decking area.

For interior designer and developers - this product is made to commercial standard and is perfect for boutique European cafes', Spas & Yoga studios, Hotels as well as residential housing developments. As seen on Channel 9's "The Block" programme.

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